Caren K. - Tutor
Nursing and NCLEX preparation
![Caren K. - Tutor](https://dj1hlxw0wr920.cloudfront.net/userfiles/wyzfiles/d94e48db-d14d-44d5-8c7f-604aaea543d7.jpg)
Personal Statement
Hi. My name is Caren and I tutor nursing students (both PN and RN) and those studying to take the NCLEX exam. I have been a nurse for 35 years and have a Master's Degree in Nursing Education. My clinical background is in Med-Surg, Peds & OB with a broad range of nursing experience in other areas. I have taught in Nursing (RN) and Practical Nursing (PN) programs and am currently a nursing instructor teaching in the classroom, clinical and simulation laboratory at a prominent school of nursing...
Caren K. Subjects
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