The Norwich Guidon Administration
Recent Administration News
Welcome Back
Welcome back to campus. I hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing spring break. The end of the semester is just a few shorts months...
Welcome Back!
As the second semester of the 2011- 2012 academic year begins, we have received some very exciting news: Norwich University has been...
Another semester in the bag
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving break, and that you are ready for that final push towards the end of the semester. This is the time...
Noel-Levitz Survey
Using information students provided through the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction survey, Norwich faculty, staff and members of the...
Todd Lecture Series
I need your help. The Todd Lecture Series Committee is seeking input from students, faculty and staff concerning potential speakers for...
Tragedy for Norwich Family
Early Sunday morning the Norwich family received a devastating blow with the tragic death of freshman Renee Robbins, from Kentwood,...
Proud of Norwich community response
I want to take a moment to express how proud I am of the entire Norwich community. As you know, our neighbors in Northfield were hit...
President's Award for Excellence
I would like to congratulate the recipients of the first President's Award for Excellence who were honored at a ceremony earlier this...
Prompting dialogue
At Norwich we work to foster an atmosphere of discussion and independent thinking both inside and outside of the classroom. During the...
Congrats to the hockey team
Welcome back to campus. I hope that you had a relaxing break and are ready for the last part of the academic year. One change that...
The NEASC self-study and the Noel-Levitz survey are two examples of tools we use to...
A large number of students, as well as faculty and staff members, took the time to complete the Civilian Blue Ribbon Committee's online...
Presidents Corner
I hope that you had a nice mid-year vacation and are ready for the new semester. The campus will be very busy in the coming weeks. TDS...